Monday, October 19, 2009

Time Does Fly...

It has been an eternity, or near to one since I have last posted. A quick update to what I have been doing. I have several Flames of War armies in progress. First and foremost, I have been putting time and effort to finish my British Commando Army by November 14th for the All-American Gamers FOW Tournament in Fayetteville, NC at the Hobby Hobbit. I only have one platoon of British 17 pdr anti-tank guns left to paint, along with a squadron of Typhoon aircraft. Luck willing, I will have these all finished by November 7th. This should give me sufficient time to finish the two objectives as well by the deadline.

On the back burner, I have a Fallschirmjäger Army in the works, a Schwere Panzerkompanie, and designs of a Afrikakorps Panzerkompanie in my mind. It is hard to say when these will all be done, but I intend to finish the Schwere Panzerkompanie after the Commando Army. This will allow me to play Germans against the local players in Jacksonville whom all have Allied Armies.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Notes from a blogging skeptic...

Well here goes, another content deprived blog clogging up the world wide web. The decision to chronicle my efforts in building and painting miniatures has not come easy. I'm sure every "blogger" has reservations at first, I'm hoping they disappear once this blog gets rolling. So, now that I've completely traveled down a tangent, let me zero back in on my purpose.

I build and paint 15mm scale miniatures from Battlefront Miniatures Ltd. for their tabletop war game, Flames Of War. This blog will document my efforts in this endeavor; hopefully sharing any insight and techniques that I learn and use from my 20 years of painting experience. Yep, 20 years. I started with 25mm miniatures back when companies such as Ral Partha and Grenadier were still names in the gaming industry. I spent many a weekend with my buddies Jason E. and Josh M. painting little lead men.

Somehow I spent 10 years on 1/35 scale models, painting giant resin men who had fought in World War II. They were, well, huge in comparison to 25mm miniatures, but not nearly as forgiving. Fast forward to 2007, I'm in Columbia, South Carolina. I have a good friend who spends copious amounts of cash in the most compulsive way that many volumes of good psychological research could be written, that uncannily attends GenCon every year. That year, he discovers Flames of War, spends a small fortune, and returns with many boxes of painfully small men. Of course, I'm curious, so I spend a pauper's wage on a single vehicle. A Sd Kfz 222 Armoured Car to be exact. I built it, was ready to paint it, and decided to let my 4 year old have a closer look. Well, it didn't end well, so I bought more, and more, and, yes, even more. In fact I have several years of building and painting sitting in my workshop.

So, let's get on with it. I hope you can gain something to use in your own hobby, even if it is to realize you maybe wasting minutes of your own life reading about mine. Cheers!